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Montessori at Home:

From Birth and Beyond

LGTC is kicking off the new year with a series of interactive seminars exploring the Montessori Family. 

These four seminars will be exploring the Montessori approach at home, rooting several of these explorations and ideas from Simone Davies' books 'The Montessori Baby' & 'The Montessori Toddler'. 

Course material will be provided for each session. They will be designed for you to take home in order to easily promote the ideas brought up in the sessions which can then easily be applied or discussed with your baby/child and family. 

These conversations are designed to take place in person at Little Gems Montessori. Digital options can be explored should there be an interest for it. 

Registration form here, please email it to:

Interested or have questions? 

Thanks for reaching out. We’ll get back to you soon.

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